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Pazartesi, Mayıs 29, 2006

Maziden Hoş Bir Seda

Maziden Armutlu Manzaraları

Yaklaşık 50 yıl önceki Armutlu Beldesinden Görünümler

Şimdiki Belediye Binası (Önünde Fıstıkçamı (Pinus pinea) ağacı olan bina)

Atatürk Meydanı. Arkadaki binada şuan kahvehaneler var.

Belediye Meydanı

Şimdi bu çınar (Platanus orientalis) ağaçları kesildiği için hiçbiri yok.

Salı, Mayıs 23, 2006

Ağustos' ta Mars

Mars gezegeni Ağustostan itibaren geceleri gökyüzünün en parlak cismi olacakmış. Mars çıplak gözle dolunay kadar büyük görünecekmiş.

27 Ağustos'ta Mars dünyaya 34,65 milyon mil yaklaştığında en büyük göründüğü gün olacakmış. 27 Ağustos gecesi 00:30'da gökyüzünü izlerseniz bu doğa olayına şahit olursunuz.... Dünyanın iki ay'ı varmış gibi görünecekmiş.

Mars'ın dünyaya bu kadar yakın geçeceği bir sonraki tarih 2287 yılında olacakmış. Bunu dostlarınızla paylaşın. Bugün hayatta olan hiçbir kimse bu olayı tekrar göremeyecek .

Pazar, Mayıs 21, 2006


Bir Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması daha 20/05/2006 tarihinde saat 22:00'de yeni değişikliklerle yapıldı. Daimi yarışmacı ülke olmak ne güzel... Hiç telaş yok dereceye giremeyeceğim diye. Gerçi şarkı yarışmasından daha çok ülkelerin siyasi güç yarışması demek daha doğru olacak. Seneye bizi temsil edeceklere şimdiden yarı finalde başarılar... Bu arada Ermenistan'da Avrupa'daymış. Kimilerin işine gelince Azerbaycana kadar Avrupa, işine gelmeyince Meriç Irmağına kadar Avrupa diyorlar. Meğer ne kadar değişiklik gösteriyormuş bu kıta sınırları. Yıkayınca daralıyor, çekiştirince uzuyor...

Yunanistan'ı yaptığı iyi organizasyondan dolayı tebrik etmek lazım. Parçalar arasında gösterilen Yunanistan'ı tanıtıcı reklamlar gayet iyi olmuş. Aslında Karagöz & Hacivat, Baklava, Kemençe, Horon vb aslında Yunan kökenli kültüre aitmiş. Peki bu Türklerin kültürü nerede acaba? Biz neden asırlık olan bu kültürümüzün eserlerine sahip çıkamıyoruz yada onları iyi tanıtamıyoruz? Geçen sene birinci olan Helena'nın parçası "My number one" Anadolu motifleri ile hazırlanmış bir parça. Bizim gönderdiğimiz parçalarda ise bu asırlık kültürümüzden esintiler maalesef yok. Yine de bizleri kendi kültürümüzden esintiler içermeyen parçalarla en iyi şekilde temsil etmeye çalışanlara teşekkür ederiz.

Bu arada bize binlerce oy gönderen gurbetçilerimize de teşekkür ederiz. Onlarda olmasa Almanya, Fransa gibi ülkelerden tam puan hiç çıkmayacaktı. TÜRKİYE’YE GELEN PUANLAR; Hollanda:12, Fransa: 12, Almanya:12, İsviçre:10, Bosna Hersek:10, Arnavutluk:7, Belçika:7, Romanya:6, Bulgaristan:4, Makedonya:4, Yunanistan:3, İsrail:1. TÜRKİYE’DEN GİDEN PUANLAR; Moldova:1, Hırvatistan:2, Romanya:3, Yunanistan:4, Rusya:5, Makedonya:6, Finlandiya:7, Ukrayna:8, Ermenistan:10, Bosna Hersek:12

Her neyse daha çok sanatın olduğu, kültürlerin yansıtıldığı, insanların gerçekten hoşuna giden parçaların seçildiği ve daha az siyasetin karıştığı bir Eurovision şarkı yarışması görmek dileğiyle...

Perşembe, Mayıs 18, 2006

Calosoma sycophanta (L.) pupaları

Calosoma pupa ve prepupa salımı yapılacak ormanlık arazide öncelikle arazi hazırlığı olarak 20-30 cm derinliğinde teras şeklinde toprak açılır.

Daha sonra teras şeklinde açılan toprağa 25-30 cm ara mesafede pupa ve prepupalar bırakılır. Üzerleri toprakla bastırılmayacak şekilde örtülür.

İzmir Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü Biyolojik Mücadele Laboratuvarında binbir emekle ve gayretle üretilen Calosoma sycophanta (L.)'nın prepupa ve pupaları basının da katıldığı tören ile 9 Eylül Üniversitesi'nin Buca'daki kampüsünde bulunan ormanlık sahada toprağa bırakıldı. Artık 15-20 gün sonra ergin böcekleri bu bölgede görebileceğiz... Emeği geçenlerin ellerine sağlık...

Calosoma pupaları

Calosoma 1 hafta olarak yaşadığı prepupa döneminde çoğunlukla sırt üstü yatmakta ve yaptığı hareketlerle pupa gömleğini yırtmaya çalışmaktadır.

Ellerinize sağlık....

Pazartesi, Mayıs 15, 2006

Manisa Semineri

Orman Yangınlarını söndürme konusunda vaz geçilemeyecek araç olan Arazözler hakkında İzmir Orman Bölge Müdürlüğüne bağlı Arazöz ekiplerinin ve biz orman işletme şeflerinin bilgileri Ankara'dan gelen Makine Mühendisi Ahmet Bey tarafından tazelendi. Arazöz ekiplerinin yangına müdahale ederken bez hortum kullanmaları istendi. Bez hortum kullanımının kolaylığı ve etkinliğinin yanı sıra Ziegler marka arazöz pompalarının kullanımı ve ekipmanları hususunda bilgiler tazelendi.

Yüksek Basınçta ve 10 barda solda bez hortum sağda plastik hortumun su çıkışı

Köpük Kullanımı

Seminerden geri görev yerlerimize dönerken yol üzerinden manzara resimleri almayı da ihmal etmedik. Şehzadeler şehri olan Manisa'nın kaleden görünüşü ve Manisa kalesi...

Manisa-İzmir Yolu

Manisa'ya gelenlere tavsiyem Spil Milli Parkına da uğramaları. Yaklaşık 1250 metre rakımdan bir tarafınızda İzmir Körfezi, bir tarafınızda Manisa Ovası ve diğer tarafınızda Kemalpaşa Ovasını görmeniz mümkün. Manzara harika...

Bu arada Milli Parkta gezmek için yanınızda mont-kaban vb. almayı unutmayız.

Perşembe, Mayıs 11, 2006


Karı-koca birlikte tatile çıkarlar. Gittikleri yerde kamp kurarlar. Tatillerinin ikinci gününün akşamı güzel bir yemek yiyip uykuya dalarlar.
Birkac saat sonra kadın uyanır ve kocasını da uyandırır. Adam uyku sersemidir; güzel bir rüyadan uyandırıldığı icin de biraz kızgındır;
"Ne oldu? Ne istiyorsun?" diye sorar.
"Yukarıya bak ve bana ne gördügünü söyle."
Adam gökyüzüne bakar ve cevap verir:
"Bunun için mi uyandırdın beni?. Baktım işte. Bir sürü yıldız görüyorum, ışıl ışıl parlayan milyonlarca yıldız."
Karısı tekrar sorar:
"Peki, bu sana neyi gösteriyor?"
Artik iyice uykusu kaçan adam biraz düsünür ve cevap verir:
"Teolojik olarak Tanrının kudretini ve kendi acizliğimizi görüyorum.
Felsefi olarak, evrenin sonsuzluğunu ve onun karşısındaki önemsizliğimizi görüyorum.
Astronomik olarak galaksilerin, yıldızların, gezegenlerin varlığını görüyorum.
Yıldızların konumuna bakarak saatin 3 olduğunu,
Meteorolojik olarak da bugün havanın çok güzel olacağını görüyorum.
Niye sordun bunu bana?
Sana neyi gösteriyor?"

"Necati, çadırımızı çalmışlar..."

Ben buldum ya siz? Cevabı haftaya...


Cuma, Mayıs 05, 2006

Determination of Some Biological Characteristics of Calosoma sycophanta L. (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

Turkish Journal of Zoology

29 (2005) 71-75


Determination of Some Biological Characteristics of

Calosoma sycophanta L. (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

Mehmet KANAT*, Özgür TOPRAK

Department of Forest Engineering, Faculty of Forestry, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, 46060, Kahramanmaraş - TURKEY

*E-mail: mkanat@ksu.edu.tr

Süleyman AKBULUT

Abant İzzet Baysal University, Faculty of Forestry, 81320, Düzce - TURKEY

Received: 24.03.2004

Abstract: This study was conducted to determine some biological characteristics of Calosoma sycophanta L. under laboratory conditions between 2001 and 2003 in Kahramanmaraş. The adult emergence period of C. sycophanta started at the end of February and extended until the first week of March (from soil). When they emerged, they fed on caterpillars of the pine processionary moth. After 1-1.5 weeks of feeding, adult beetles copulated and deposited their eggs into humid soil. The oviposition period continued for 20-25 days. The first instars hatched from eggs within 6-13 days.

The first instars were 7-8 mm in length and dirty whitish.yellow, but turned black within 1-1.5 h. Three larval instars were observed. The beetle became a pupa in June and this stage continued for 9 to 16 days. The biology of the predator was well synchronized with the that of pine processionary moths in the region.

Key Words: Calosoma sycophanta, predator, biological characteristics, Kahramanmaraş, the pine processionary moth

Calosoma sycophanta L.’nın Bazı Biyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Özet: Bu Çalışma Calosoma sycophanta L.’nın bazı biyolojik özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla laboratuar koşullarında 2001-2003 yılları arasında Kahramanmaraş bölgesinde yürütülmüştür. C. sycophanta erginlerinin topraktan Çıkış periyodu Şubat sonunda başlamakta ve mart ayının ilk haftasına kadar sürmektedir. Erginler topraktan Çıktıklarında çam keseböceği larvaları ile beslenmektedirler. Çam keseböceği larvaları ile 1-1,5 haftalık beslenmeden sonra çiftleşmekte ve nemli toprağa yumurta bırakmaktadırlar. Yumurta bırakma periyodu 20-25 gün sürmektedir. Larvalar yumurtadan 6-13 gün içerisinde çıkmaktadırlar.

İlk dönem larvalar 7-8 mm boy ve kirli sarı renkte olup, 1-1,5 saat içerisinde siyah renge dönüşmektedirler. Üç larva dönemi geçirmekte olan larvalar haziran ayında pupa olmakta ve pupa dönemi 9-16 gün sürmektedir. C. sycophanta’nın biyolojisi Çam keseböceğinin biyolojisi ile uyum içerisindedir.

Anahtar Sözcükler: Calosoma sycophanta, predator, biyolojik özellikler, Kahramanmaraş, Çam keseböceği


The ground beetle, Calosoma sycophanta L. (Coleoptera: Carabidae), is considered an important predator of some pest species in different parts of the world. This beetle was exported from Europe to North America to use as a natural enemy against the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) (Weseloh et al., 1995; Schafer et al., 1999). The beetle has been well established in the United States to control the gypsy moth. There are several studies showing that the beetle may be a useful natural enemy against gypsy moth outbreaks (Bess, 1961; Campbell, 1967; Weseloh, 1985; Weseloh et al., 1995). The beetle can also feed on different species of Lepidoptera, particularly the pine processionary moth (PPM), Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Schiff.).

The ground beetle has been observed during feeding on the PPM, which is a very important pest of pine trees in Turkey. The PPM feeds on the needles of pine trees, causing annual growth loss, and even the death of trees in some cases. Extensive damage by this pest occurs generally on Calabrian pine trees in different parts of Turkey every year.

The host range of the PPM includes several pine species (i.e. Pinus brutia, P. nigra, P. sylvestris, P. pinea, and P. halepensis) and one species of Cedrus, Cedrus libani, growing in Turkey. The PPM occurs from 100 m to 1 800 m (Avtzis, 1998; Çanakçıoglu and Mol, 1998) altitude ranges with different levels of intensity. In Turkey, forest area for possible distribution of the PPM is close to 1,500,000 h (Anonymous, 1995).

It is well known that defoliation leads to increases in tree stress and their susceptibility to secondary pests such as bark beetles and pine weevils, particularly in young trees (Cadehia and Insuan, 1970; Kanat et al., 2002). Outbreaks of PPM are quite periodic, occurring almost every 5-7 years. It was reported that the loss of total shoots of P. pinaster was 41-50% in moderately defoliated trees and 54-64% in completely defoliated trees (Markalas, 1998). Due to PPM attacks on P. brutia (1-4 m in height) in Turkey, a great loss of shoots (68%) was determined (Babur, 2002).

Several control methods (mechanical, chemical and biological) have been used against this pest in Turkey but the problem has not been solved completely. In addition, it was observed that the use of a single control method was insufficient to control the population outbreak of the PPM. However, biological control is probably the best solution among the different methods to control PPM population outbreaks. Numerous parasites and predators of the PPM have been reported. One of the predatory insects of this pest is C. sycophanta, which has been observed to feed on the PPM extensively in Calabrian pine forests (Tosun, 1977; Ogurlu, 2000; Kanat, 2002). This predator consumes both the larvae and pupae of the PPM. C. sycophanta as a predator may control the population growth and density of the PPM in outbreaks. No extensive biological control studies using C. sycophanta against the PPM have been performed yet in Turkey.

The objectives of this study were to investigate and understand some biological characteristics of C. sycophanta for future mass production in biological control efforts.

Materials and Methods

This study was conducted under laboratory conditions between 2001 and 2003 in Kahramanmaraş, located in the east Mediterranean region of Turkey. The PPM and the adults of C. sycophanta used in this study were collected from different patches of Calabrian pine forests distributed throughout the Kahramanmaraş region and brought into the laboratory.

During this study, all research materials were kept under constant conditions, namely 23 ºC, 60-65 % RH and a photoperiod of 8:16 (L:D) h. Adults of C. sycophanta were collected in March every year. Twenty adults were placed in a plastic crisper (13.3 by 31.5 by 12 cm) with 1 PPM silky nest. Predatory beetle collection was performed particularly in Kapıçam, Pınarbaşı and Hartlap near Kahramanmaraş.

The beetles brought from the fields were placed in rectangular (13.3 by 21.3 by 8 cm) or round plastic boxes (16.6 by 14.5 cm and 19 by 12.5 cm) in the laboratory. Before placement of the beetles, partly sterilized soil (under 100 ºC for 10 h an autoclave) was put into the boxes.

Deposited eggs of C. sycophanta were collected daily. The eggs and newly hatched larvae of C. sycophanta were placed in plastic cups (5 by 3 cm). Several holes (5-6) were made in the lid of each cup to provide air. To maintain the humidity of the eggs, they were covered with soil. To determine the egg size of C. sycophanta, 30 eggs from 50 adults were randomly selected and measured. To investigate the length of the hatching period, 200 eggs were observed. The larvae and pupae of the PPM were placed in rectangular boxes containing 77 compartments each 4 by 4 by 10 cm. To prevent the escape of the PPM larvae and C. sycophanta adults, wire screen covers were used.

Every day newly hatched C. sycophanta larvae were transferred into plastic boxes containing moist soil. One larva of C. sycophanta was placed in each plastic box to prevent cannibalism among the larvae. They were kept in these boxes until they reached a certain size, 1.2-2.0 cm body length. PPM larvae were provided for feeding every 2 days depending on the consumption capacities of the beetle larvae. After they reached a certain size, 1.2-2.0 cm, they were transferred into bigger boxes (4 by 4 by 10 cm). The tops of the boxes were covered with tulle fabric. The larvae were observed in these boxes until the adult stage. A total of 150 larvae were used to observe the life stages of C. sycophanta.


The adult emergence of C. sycophanta from the soil started at the end of February and continued until the first days of March. The weight of adults ranged between 0.8 and 1.13 g. The sex ratio of C. sycophanta brought into the laboratory from the field was 0.5. Newly emerged adults from overwintering sites had to feed well with the fourth and fifth instars or pupae of the PPM before mating and oviposition for 1 to 1.5 weeks. This feeding activity is well synchronized with the life stages of the PPM. It occurs when the larvae and early pupae of the PPM are abundant. After this feeding, female adults laid their eggs into humid soil.

The egg laying period continued for 20-25 days until the middle of April, depending on the quality of feeding. To deposit eggs, the females first removed soil by using the front and back legs and then inserted their last abdominal segment into the soil. If they were not able to find humid soil then they left the eggs on the surface of dried soil. If the humidity was not optimum then the eggs were crystallized. For egg deposition, humid soil is necessary; otherwise eggs lose their viability in dry or wet soil conditions.

The largest C. sycophanta egg was 6 mm in length (Table 1). The mean weight of the eggs was 0.01 g. They were ellipsoidal and yellow to white or light yellow. Before emergence of the first larval instars, the eggs became bigger and several black lines appeared on one side of the eggs. This side of the egg and the lines showed the segments of the larva. The weight of the eggs increased slightly with a mean of 0.02 g and thickness of about 2.5-3 mm.

The egg stage continued for a maximum of 13 days (Table 2). Before hatching, some eggs became completely black; these did not produce any larvae. Larvae continued to hatch from the eggs until the last week of April. The hatching took almost 10 min. After the first instars hatched, the remaining egg parts melted and disappeared. The larvae were dirty white or yellow when they emerged. The dorsal side of the larvae became black in 1-1.5 h after hatching. The abdominal side of the larvae was light gray.

The larvae were very active in the boxes. When the humidity rate increased, the head of the larvae was directed to the top of the boxes. The mean body length of the first instars was 11.5 mm (Table 1). The weight and width of the first larval instars were 0.02 g and 2 mm, respectively. During this study, 3 larval stages were observed. When the first instars were passing through the next larval stage, they were yellowish white; they turned brown after 20-25 min and then black over the following 25-30 min.

Table 1. Minimum, maximum and mean body length values (mm) for egg, larvae (first, second and third instars), pupa and adult of C. sycophanta in Kahramanmaraş.

Biological Stage












Larva-1 (L1)






Larva-2 (L2)






Larva-3 (L3)


















Table 2. Minimum, maximum and mean duration time (days) for eggs, larvae (first, second and third instars), pupal stages of C. sycophanta in Kahramanmaraş.

Biological Stage












Larva-1 (L1)






Larva-2 (L2)






Larva-3 (L3)












When the instars reached an average of 20-25 mm in length, they shed their second larval skin. Third larval instars were larger than previous instars (Table 1). At the end of the last larval stage, the larvae did not feed very much and became almost inactive. This inactive period continued for 1 week; then they shed their third larval skin and pupated. The longest larval stage was the third, with a maximum of 18 days duration (Table 2).

After 3 larval stages, C. sycophanta became a pupa in the soil in the middle of May. This life stage continued until the first week of June. The body length of pupae ranged between 19 and 24 mm (Table 1). The shortest pupal stage was 19 days (Table 2).

Adult emergence started at the end of May and continued until the middle of June. Callow adults opened the pupal skin from the dorsal side. The length of newly emerged adults was about 2 cm. The antenna, eyes and legs were black. The other parts of the body were yellowish brown.


The biology of C. sycophanta is well adapted to the biology of the PPM in the region, which may the increase efficiency of C. sycophanta in the event of outbreaks. Similar synchrony has been reported between gypsy moths and the beetles (Weseloh et al., 1995). The beetles are capable of living for 3 or more years and they emerge from the soil when gypsy moth larvae are present in the environment. In the current study, beetles emerged from the soil when PPM larvae were fourth instars. Weseloh (1993) reported that if female beetles did not feed extensively on caterpillars of the gypsy moth within 1 week of emergence, they entered a reproductive diapause even if they obtained prey later. According to the results of this study, females have to feed on caterpillars of the PPM for 1-1.5 weeks before egg deposition. Otherwise, they enter a diapause without laying eggs. Therefore, an abundance of PPM larvae was crucial when C. sycophanta emerged from the soil. When the PPM enter the soil for pupation beetles also re-enter the soil. Similar results were reported by Weseloh (1993) for gypsy moths.

Weseloh et al. (1995) suggested that physiology, behavior and phenology make C. sycophanta a specific predator and so they can affect lepidopteran species that have life history traits similar to those of the gypsy moth. It was observed that the beetles and the PPM have similar life history traits, presenting a very important opportunity to use this beetle against the PPM. Therefore, we think that this carabid is one of the most important mortality agents of the larvae and early pupae of the PPM. Thus, it should be used intensively in the biological control of the PPM.

In the next stage, the population densities of C. sycophanta should be determined and conserved in the natural environment. Studies should be conducted to establish the colony of the beetles and augmented through laboratory rearing techniques for field releases to control PPM epidemics in the region. The effectiveness of the beetles should be evaluated in outbreak populations of the PPM under field conditions.


Anonymous, 1995. Harmful insects of forests, The Reports of the 5th Annual Development Plan, Turkey.

Avtzis, N.D. 1998. The use of Bacillus thuringiensis against Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff. (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) in Greece, USDA Forest Service General Technical Report, NE-247, Greece.

Babur, H. 2002. The effect of damage of Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Schiff.) in Calabrian pine seedling in Turkey. In: Proceedings of Pine Processionary Moth Symposium (Ed. M. Kanat), Kahramanmaraş . Turkey, pp. 37-38.

Bess, H.A. 1961. Population ecology of the gypsy moth Porthetria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Connecticut Agricultural Experimental Station Bulletin. 646.

Cadehia, D. and Insuan, A. 1970. Estimation of the injury caused by Thaumetopoea pityocampa in Pinus radiata plantation. Bol. Serv. Plagas For. 26: 159-171.

Campbell, R.W. 1967. The analysis of numerical change in gypsy moth population. Forest Science Monograph 15, Society of American Foresters, Bethesda, MD.

Çanakçıoğlu, H. and Mol, T. 1998. Forest Entomology, Istanbul University, Forestry Faculty publications, Istanbul-Turkey.

Kanat, M. 2002. Çam Keseböceği (Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff.)’ne karşı Biyolojik Mücadelede Calosoma sycophanta L.’nın Kullanımı. In: Proceedings of Pine Processionary Moth Symposium (Ed. M. Kanat), Kahramanmaraş . Turkey pp. 93-101.

Kanat, M., Sivrikaya, F. and Serez, M. 2002. A research on damage of pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff.) on Pinus brutia Ten. Trees, and the effect of tending activities on the diameter increment of Calabrian pine in Kahramanmaraş. In: Proceedings of Pine Processionary Moth Symposium (Ed. M. Kanat), Kahramanmaraş . Turkey, pp. 44-51.

Markalas, S. 1998. Biomass production of Pinus pinaster after defoliation by the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff.), USDA, Forest Service General Technical Report, NE-247.

Ogurlu, Ü. 2000. Biyolojik Mücadele. S.D.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Yayını, Isparta (Turkey).

Schafer, P.W. Fuester, R.W. Barth, P.E. Simons, E.E. Blumenhal, E.M. Handley, E.M. Finn, T.B. and Elliott, E.W. 1999. Current distribution and historical range expansion of Calosoma

sycophanta (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in North America. Journal of Entomological Science. 34: 339-362.

Tosun, İ. 1977. Akdeniz Bölgesi İğne Yapraklı Ormanlarında Zarar Yapan Böcekler ve önemli Türlerin Parazit ve Yırtıcıları üzerinde Araştırmalar. Ph D thesis, Faculty of Forestry University of İstanbul, İstanbul, 149 pp.

Weseloh, R.M. 1985. Predation by Calosoma sycophanta L. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) evidence for a large impact on gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), pupae. Canadian Entomologist 117: 1117-1126.

Weseloh, R.M. 1993. Adult feeding affects fecundity of the predator Calosoma sycophanta (Col.: Carabidae). Entomophaga 38: 435-439.

Weseloh, R. Bernon, G. Butler, L. Fuester, R. McCullough, D. and Stehr, F. 1995. Releases of Calosoma sycophanta L. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) near the edge of Gypsy Moth (Lepidoptera,

Lymantridae) distribution. Environmental Entomology 24: 17131717.

Pazartesi, Mayıs 01, 2006

Teknoloji Şaşırtıyor...

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Bu hoparlörlerde şişirilerek kullanılıyorlar. İstediğiniz her yere kolayca taşınabilme özelliğine sahip. Herhangi bir ses çalıcı aracınızla her yerde rahatlıkla kullanabilirsiniz.

Bu ve benzeri haberlerin olduğu yeni çıkan http://www.pdfdergi.com 'u incelediniz mi? Tavsiye ederim...


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